PACK 311
Pack 311 Welcomes you!
Time to get ready for the New Scouting Season!!
Our Fall Kick Off Event is August 18th from 4-5:30 at the Wang Auditorium, Le Jardin Academy. Interested in joining Pack 311, or excited to get back together with your Pack 311 friends after a fun summer? Come on by!
9/6 - 9/8/2024
Fall Campout
Don't forget, our fall campout is coming up the weekend after Labor Day. Reach out to your Den Leader for more information! Haven't signed up yet? Check out our signup form on
Pack 311 holds monthly pack meetings on Sunday afternoons at Le Jardin Academy in Kailua.
Individual Den schedules are dictated by the Den Leaders.
Interested in learning more about scouting?
Leaders and Parents, looking for scoutbook or health forms?
Couldn't make it to the Pack Service Project or interested in Kahan Iki work days?
Help restore native plant life to Kahana Iki on Sundays if your looking to spend some time outside doing a good turn.
Interested in joining Cub Scouts? Cub Scouts is open to boys and girls in grades K-5. No scouting experience necessary to join and have fun!
Click here to reach out to us via our contact form on Scouting BSA's website
Or email us at: